Refinement of Java

2年前 (2022) 程序员胖胖胖虎阿
301 0 0

Method Reference


// Lambda
(args) -> ClassName.staticMethod(args)

// Method Reference
// Lambda
(arg0, rest) -> arg0.instanceMethod(rest)

// Method Reference
// Lambda
(args) -> expr.instanceMethod(args)

// Method Reference


ToIntFunction<String> stringToInt = (String s) -> Integer.parseInt(s);
ToIntFunction<String> stringToInt = Integer::parseInt;
BiPredicate<List<String>, String> contains =
                  (list, element) -> list.contains(element);
BiPredicate<List<String>, String> contains = List::contains;
Predicate<String> startsWithNumber =
           (String string) -> this.startsWithNumber(string);
Predicate<String> startsWithNumber = this::startsWithNumber;

Constructor Reference

// zero-argument constructor, which fits the signature of the Supplier
Supplier<Apple> c1 = Apple::new; 
Apple a1 = c1.get(); 
// one-argument constructor, which fits the signature of the Function
Function<Integer, Apple> c2 = Apple::new; 
Apple a2 = c2.apply(128);

// e.g., passing a constructor reference to the map method
List<Integer> weights = Arrays.asList(7, 3, 2, 18);
List<Apple> apples = createApples(weights, Apple::new);

public List<Apple> createApples(List<Integer> list, 
                                Function<Integer, Apple> f) {
    List<Apple> result = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Integer i : list) {
    return result;
// two-argument constructor, which fits the signature of the BiFunction
BiFunction<Color, Integer, Apple> c3 = Apple::new;
Apple a3 = c3.apply(GREEN, 128);
// create your own constructor reference for a three-argument constructor
public interface TriFunction<T, U, V, R> {
    R apply(T t, U u, V v);

// use the constructor reference as follows
TriFunction<Integer, Integer, Integer, RGB> colorFactory = RGB::new;
版权声明:程序员胖胖胖虎阿 发表于 2022年10月8日 上午5:16。
转载请注明:Refinement of Java | 胖虎的工具箱-编程导航


