sql 2000 字段查询修正

2年前 (2022) 程序员胖胖胖虎阿
246 0 0

internal static string GetTableColumns2000()
            sqlText.Remove(0, sqlText.Length);
            sqlText.Append("select s1.name as ColumnName,case s2.name when 'nvarchar' then s1.[prec] else s1.[length] end  as [MaxSize],");
            sqlText.Append("isnullable as [IsNullable],colstat as [ReadOnly],s2.name as [SqlType] ,isnull(s3.[value],'no description') as description ");
            sqlText.Append("from syscolumns s1 right join systypes s2 on s2.xusertype =s1.xusertype  ");//修正有变化
            sqlText.Append("left join sysproperties s3 on  (s3.id=s1.id and s3.smallid = s1.colid)");//修正有变化
            sqlText.Append("where s1.id=object_id(@TableName)  and s2.name<>'sysname' order by ReadOnly desc  ");//修正有变化
            //sqlText.Append("select substring(@@Version, 25,1)  ");
            return sqlText.ToString();


9:OutPutData 数据库2000输出屏蔽系统自带的[表/视图/存储过程]


string sql2000 = "select name from sysobjects where status>0 and xtype='" + tableType.ToString() + "'";

版权声明:程序员胖胖胖虎阿 发表于 2022年9月9日 上午2:40。
转载请注明:sql 2000 字段查询修正 | 胖虎的工具箱-编程导航


